4-H T-Shirt Design Contest - 2025

Feb 17, 2025

A design for the 4-h t-shirt contest with a cow head and four leaf clovers on a grey shirt.
Tennessee Farmers Cooperative is proud to announce the 2025 4-H T-Shirt Design Contest.  Contest winners will receive a prize and the winning designs will appear on T-shirts that may be sold at local Co-ops and Stockdale’s.  A percentage of the sales of the shirts will be donated to 4-H by the Tennessee Farmers Cooperative Foundation.
The goal of the program is to highlight the talents of Tennessee 4-H’ers while also raising money to support various 4-H projects and programs. 
            There is no entry fee to participate.  All entrants must be current members of 4-H. If you are under the age of 18, your design must be submitted by your parent or guardian on your behalf.  Only one entry per person. 
Contest Rules
  1. All designs must be original designs created by the 4-H member and comply with all the design guidelines outlined below.  Designs may not be created by or in any way involve third parties, including internet design companies, marketers/advertisers or anyone else.
  2. Designs must be submitted by email on or before March 31, 2025.   Upload the entry to: https://form.jotform.com/TNFarmers/4htshirtcontest. The contest will be held February 3 to March 31, 2025.
  3. Submissions must not have been previously published and must not contain trademarks, other organization's logos, or any copyrighted works of any other person or business. Contestants may use the 4-H logo in their design.
  4. Designs must be appropriate. Any submissions containing obscene, vulgar, or otherwise in appropriate contents will be disqualified at discretion of Tennessee Farmers Cooperative.
  5. Winning entrants agree to sign a waiver to allow Tennessee Farmers Cooperative and its affiliates to use their design, free of charge, for any and all printing and promotional purposes.
  6. By submitting a design, the entrant agrees to all contest rules. 
Design Guidelines
  1. Design(s) must include a tie into Tennessee 4-H.  
  2. Design(s) must fit on a 8 1⁄2 X 11 piece of paper.
  3. Design(s) must be print ready.
  4. Entrants may use the 4-H logo in their design.
  5. Design(s) should include no more than two (2) colors.
  6. Designs may also include a suggested t-shirt color (this does not guarantee that color will be used due to color availability of the printer).
  7. Designs must be in the form of a PDF, JPG or PNG and not exceed 7 MB in size.
  8. Designs cannot be resubmitted from the past year’s contest.
Judging Criteria/Winner Selection/Prizes
All eligible designs will be judged based on originality (50%) and creativity (50%).  Winners will be announced by April 30, 2025 via the Tennessee Farmers Cooperative Facebook and Instagram accounts. The winner will receive an iPad and Apple Pencil valued at $600.  Additionally, the winner will receive five of the winning designed t-shirts. Contact Tennessee Farmers Cooperative Executive Director Claire Hill at chill@ourcoop.com with questions.

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