Hemp License Renewal Reminder to Growers

Jun 14, 2021

Hemp growers in Tennessee are required to renew their licenses with the Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA) by June 30, 2021.

“Hemp continues to be an important crop in Tennessee,” Commissioner Charlie Hatcher, D.V.M. said. “The marketplace is evolving and growers are finding new ways to use and market their crop. We want to see the industry flourish, and TDA has abundant resources to make sure growers have what they need.”

New applications are accepted year-round and expire June 30. New applicants and renewing applicants must submit an application, license fees, and required documentation. If a renewal application and payment are not received by the deadline, the grower’s license will expire June 30, 2021 at 4:30 p.m. CDT.

TDA plant certification staff are a resource for new and existing hemp growers who want assistance navigating and understanding regulations and requirements. Consultants in the Business Development Division support the hemp industry by helping create or expand businesses and promoting businesses through Pick Tennessee Products.

Pick Tennessee Products is TDA’s program that connects farmers directly to consumers. Hemp producers near you can be found at www.picktnproducts.org or on the Pick TN mobile app. Tennessee hemp growers, processors, and manufacturers can apply to be included in the directory at www.picktnproducts.org/apply-pick-tennessee-products-application.html.

Information about the hemp program in Tennessee can be found online at www.tn.gov/agriculture/farms/hemp-industry.html. Questions should be emailed to industrial.hemp@tn.gov. The hemp grower application can be found at stateoftennessee.formstack.com/forms/tda_hemp_grower_application. Growers without online access should call 615-837-5137 for a paper application.

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