New State Plant Pathologist Named

Jul 29, 2024

The Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA) has named Dr. Prabha Liyanapathiranage the new State Plant Pathologist.
As the state’s plant pathologist, Liyanapathiranage is responsible for diagnosing plant diseases, identifying plant pests, educating plant inspectors and stakeholders about invasive pests, and collaborating with pathologists on existing and emerging pathogens of regional, national, and international significance.
“Prabha’s expertise in academia and in research make her a perfect fit for this leadership role,” Commissioner Charlie Hatcher, D.V.M. said. “She’s worked more than 10 years with institutions dedicated to agriculture, and she has extensive publications and accolades that highlight her commitment to advancing the field of plant pathology.”
During her master’s degree program, Liyanapathiranage focused on identifying sustainable approaches for managing soil-borne diseases in woody ornamental nurseries in Tennessee. After completing her Ph.D., she joined Tennessee State University's Otis Floyd Nursery Research Center in McMinnville, Tenn., as a post-doctoral researcher. There, she played a crucial part in conducting research on vascular streak dieback, a significant threat to woody ornamental production in the southeast. Given Tennessee's prominence as the leading redbud producer in the nation, the economic impact of this issue is considerable, and her research has made a significant contribution towards addressing it.
Earlier this year, Liyanapathiranage served as a judge for agricultural research presentations at the 1890 Research Directors Research Symposium hosted by Tennessee State University in Nashville. She is involved in conferences for the Tennessee Academy of Science; the American Phytopathological Society, Plant Health; and the American Phytopathological Society, Southern Division.
She also serves as a reviewer for industry publications including the American Phytopathological Society’s journal Plant Disease and the American Society for Horticulture Science’s journal HortScience.
"I am looking forward to working closely with growers across the state,” Liyanapathiranage said. “I am excited to serve as a resource for Tennessee's plants industry and eager to apply my expertise in identifying, preventing, and managing plant diseases that threaten the state’s agricultural production."
Liyanapathiranage holds a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Auburn University, earned her M.S. in Agricultural Sciences from Tennessee State University and her Bachelor of Science in Export Agriculture from Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka. 
Liyanapathiranage resides in Warren County with her husband and son, enjoying the Tennessee countryside at the heart of the nursery industry. She spends her free time exploring new places with her family.

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