Tennessee Farmers Cooperative's 80th Anniversary Agriculture Quilt Contest: Patchwork of Progress

Dec 29, 2023

Tennessee Farmers Cooperative (TFC) cordially invites our valued Co-op customers to participate in a special quilt square contest, celebrating Tennessee Farmers Cooperative’s 80th anniversary in 2025. Selected squares will be thoughtfully stitched together to create a quilt that will grace the TFC Conference Room in La Vergne.
Theme: "Patchwork of Progress: TFC's 80th Anniversary Quilt"
Contest Guidelines:
1. Quilt Square Specifications:
  • Create a 10-x-10-inch quilt square that honors the rich history and significance of agriculture in Tennessee and the pivotal role played by our farmers cooperatives.
  • Send in a block without a border.
  • Quilt squares can be crafted through either hand-stitching or machine-stitching.
  • Please do not submit painted squares.
2. Submission Rules:
  • Each participant is entitled to submit one quilt square.
  • Place your completed quilt square inside a gallon-size, zip-lock bag for its safekeeping during submission.
  • Don't forget to enclose the official entry form (provided below) inside the bag, alongside your quilt square. Entries devoid of the entry form will, unfortunately, not be considered.
  • Kindly mail your submission and the below form to Tennessee Farmers Cooperative, Attention Claire Hill, 180 Old Nashville Highway, La Vergne, TN 37086.
  • Submissions are due by May 15, 2024.
3. Participant Eligibility:
  • Contest participants must be residents of Tennessee.
4. Winners' Notification:
  • Winners will be notified via phone upon the conclusion of the contest. First place will receive $300, second place will receive $200, and third place will receive $100. All participants with chosen squares will receive their name listed in a story in The Cooperator, when the quilt is complete in 2025. 
Quilt Square Theme Suggestions: You are encouraged to explore various aspects of Tennessee agriculture and TFC in your quilt square. Consider themes like:
  • Iconic Tennessee agricultural elements such as corn, soybeans, beef and dairy cattle, horses, wheat, cotton, hay, and tobacco.
  • The unique characteristics of Tennessee's three distinct regions – East, Middle, and West.
  • Depictions of Co-op services and products, including agronomy, retail items in stores, and feeds.
  • Representations of Tennessee counties and the integral role they play in the Co-op's mission.
  • The Seven Cooperative Principles that have guided TFC's journey.
  • A glimpse into the history of the Co-op, particularly the landmark year 1945 leading up to the 80th anniversary in 2025.
  • Squares that represent the legacy of farming and agriculture in Tennessee.
Your participation honors our legacy, and we look forward to witnessing your creativity as we celebrate 80 years of shared history and growth. Thank you for being an integral part of our story. Learn more about the program on our website soon. 

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