TFC Kicks Off Summer Internship Program

Jun 19, 2023

Tennessee Farmers Cooperative (TFC) welcomed 20 talented college students from across the state for intern orientation May 23-25.  The interns, who began their 12-week journey last month, will have the opportunity to gain valuable experience in various areas such as marketing and communications, member Co-op stores, and joint venture companies.

Under the guidance of TFC's Training and Education Department, the interns will acquire essential skills including customer service, local Co-op operations, marketing strategies, and effective communication techniques.

"Our summer internship program is off to a great start,” says Scott Bohanon, TFC's education and training manager. We collaborate closely with local Co-ops to provide valuable learning opportunities, enabling students to explore different local Co-ops, joint-venture companies, and facilities in La Vergne. It offers them a comprehensive understanding of TFC and our cooperative system."

Scott says the interns are ready to get to work at their local stores, gain hands-on experience, and seek potential career opportunities within the Co-op system.

Intern orientation was held May 23-25 at TFC’s corporate offices in La Vergne. The interns had an opportunity to hear from a variety of TFC personnel and take a campus tour that included visits to GreenPoint Ag’s fertilizer plant, ProTrition’s feed mill, Ag Equipment, and Faithway Alliance’s LaVergne distribution center and metal fabrication plant. Throughout the week, TFC treated the interns to some fun activities including a night of bowling and a Nashville Sounds baseball game.

The 2023 interns are Nathan Michalik, Hawkins Farmers Cooperative; Samuel Poisal, Smoky Mountain Farmers Cooperative; Jessica DeLong, White County Farmers Cooperative; Kinley Hollingsworth, Bedford, Lincoln, Moore Farmers Cooperative; Bobby Ogg III, Robertson Cheatham Farmers Cooperative; Abigail Buchanan, Rutherford Farmers Cooperative; Esmerelda Flores, Warren Farmers Cooperative; Abby Coons and Madison Bowman, Ag1 Farmers Cooperative; Breanna Mills, First Farmers Cooperative; Jacob Wood, Gibson Farmers Cooperative; Sarah White, Mid-South Farmers Cooperative; Hannah Moss, Obion Farmers Cooperative; Katie Pack and Mason Huddleston, Weakley Farmers Cooperative; Harrison Falcofsky, TFC Corporate; Allison Davis, Whitley Daniel, and Gracie Martin, TFC Marketing and Communications Department.

TFC remains committed to nurturing the next generation of professionals in the agricultural industry, providing them with a solid foundation for success. If you or someone you know is interested in the 2024 Summer Internship program, contact Education and Training Manager, Scott Bohanon, at

For more content like this, check out the latest issue of The Cooperator.

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