Three Directors Elected to TFC Board

Dec 02, 2024

Pictured left to right: Keith Fowler, Robert Thompson, and Sloan Stewart
Congratulations to our three board members who were recently elected for three-year terms at the 2024 Tennessee Farmers Cooperative Annual Meeting, held December 1-2 at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee.

Keith Fowler of Martin, Robert Thompson of Niota, and Sloan Stewart of Lynchburg were each nominated by their respective zone caucus delegates, and their elections were then ratified by the membership during the event’s business session.

Returning to the board is Keith Fowler, who will represent Zone 1, taking the place of Amos Huey from Kenton. Keith was first elected to the board in 2014, serving nine years, including terms as vice chairman from 2018-2022. He farms more than 6,000 acres in Weakley and Gibson counties, raising corn, wheat, and soybeans. He is a member of Weakley Farmers Cooperative. He and wife, Linda, have three children — son, Chris, who farms with his dad, and daughters, Rachel and Emily.

Robert Thompson was re-elected to the board, representing farmers from Zone 3. Robert Thompson farms 760 acres in the McMinn County community of Niota. His family farm, Lane View Farms, was founded in 1883, and Thompson is a fourth-generation farmer. A Co-op member since 1982, Thompson grows corn and hay, and has a cow/calf operation. Thompson was awarded the 2008 Governor’s Award for Excellence in Agriculture and Forestry for his conservation efforts on the farm.  A member of AgCentral Co-op, Thompson has served on the local Co-op board as well as on the merger committee when McMinn Farmers Co-op merged to form AgCentral Co-op. Robert and his wife, Lyn, have one son, Will.

Re-appointed director Sloan Stewart of Moore County represents Zone 2 and boasts a rich background in farming, banking, and county government. He currently serves as the Metro Moore County Mayor, a position he also held from 2009 to 2018, and has been a member of numerous agriculture, bank, and farm credit boards, including active service on his local Farm Bureau Board and Cattlemen’s Association. A longtime member of the Co-op, Sloan is the past president of the Bedford-Moore Farmers Cooperative Board of Directors and operates a 1,000-acre cow/calf backgrounding operation with his wife, Cathy.

We welcome these three directors in their continued roles and look forward to working with them in our common quest to represent and serve our hard-working farmers and producers.   

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