Outdoor Ideas During COVID-19

Mar 30, 2020

The global pandemic has us all in uncharted territory. We are learning new words like “social distancing” and “flattening the curve.” We are staying safe inside, but what kind of toll has that taken on us? The kids are restless, everyone is fussy, and cabin fever is setting in. We need to stay home for the safety of all of us, but we also need sunshine and fresh air. Here are a few ways to maintain a safe social distance but also get out and enjoy the outdoors. 
Move your “office” and the kids outside for a few hours
Many of us are working from home, sitting in our cramped home office staring at a screen, while the kids are playing on their handhelds or watching television, and we are all restless. Why not use this opportunity to get everyone outside? Grab your laptop and hit the porch! Let the kids play outside under your supervision while you still get your work done. Everyone gets some much-needed Vitamin D, and the kids can expend some of that energy. It’s a win-win.
Check off that outdoor chores list
We all have a list a mile long of things we’ve put off until we have the time. Guess what? You’ve got the time! Give your yard some extra TLC: weed the flower beds, trim the bushes, or build raise beds. Take advantage of this time to tackle all those chores you’ve been putting off.  Make a list each of day, and get out there. This will help you build a sense of accomplishment and hopefully make your home and garden just a bit prettier.
Outdoor recreation
Scheduled recreation is very important for everyone but especially the kids. Take a walk together around the block after clock-out time, have a family baseball game in the back yard, play sidewalk chalk games, or get everyone involved in a family bike ride. And good news for the hunters in your family, turkey season is almost here and is a perfect social distancing activity.
Whatever outdoor activity is your cup of tea, it’s important to spend some time with nature every day. Being outside makes you feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally, and that will help all of us as we power through during this crazy time.

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