Taking Care of Your Pets During Summer

May 25, 2020

Summer is coming, and everyone is ready to get outside. Spending time outdoors with your dog is a great way to get exercise, Vitamin D, and relieve stress. Whether it’s a day at the park or a visit to the farm, make sure you’re taking good care of your pets the entire time. Here are some things that are easy to forget during summer but are important to taking care of your pet.
  1. Bug prevention.
We are aware of mosquito bites and ticks on us, but are we that attentive to our pets? When pets are outside without proper protection, pests can eat them up. Flea and tick collars are a great place to start. Shampooing helps keep a healthy coat and prevents pests. Avoid high bug times of day including dusk and dawn. Also, keeping the grass cut short reduces the presence of ticks and insects in the yard.
  1. Stay Hydrated
If we’re out for a long day, we are likely to bring water or get a drink on the way home. Do we do the same for our pet? Pets should have constant access to clean water. If you’re going on a hike or long walk, bring a small bowl so they can stay hydrated, too. Dogs pant to keep cool, which can cause them to lose excess moisture, so help them stay cool, comfortable and hydrated with plenty of water.
  1. Mind the heat and consider your breed
Like humans, pets have different heat tolerances. Many dogs and even cats pant to release heat, but some breeds cannot pant effectively. This causes them to be more heat intolerant and sensitive to heat stroke. Check with your veterinarian about how heat tolerant your pet is likely to be. In any breed, watch your animal and make sure they are staying healthy and acting normally.
  1. Be antifreeze aware
During the summer, cars can overheat and leak antifreeze. These sweet flavored and enticing little puddles of poison can be a death sentence to a pup. You can determine an antifreeze leak by a sweet smell or liquids that are the color of lime-green, orange, pink, or blue-green. Keep an eye out for puddles under your car and your neighbors’ cars and keep your animals clear of it. 

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